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It's a heart-thumping, breathtaking moment. Witnessing the most elusive and majestic predator in the world - the snow leopard - in the remote and rugged landscapes of the Himalayan region is like nothing else.

Abundant Himalayan wildlife, an awe-inspiring landscape, and a specialized snow leopard guide by your side will ensure that your snow leopard safari with Sublime Wilderness Odyssey is nothing short of unforgettable.

Here’s What You Can Expect

The snow leopard is an elusive and solitary predator, and spotting one in the wild requires patience, skill, and a bit of luck. The snow leopard's habitat in India is located at an altitude of 3,000 to 5,000 meters above sea level. The rugged terrain and extreme weather conditions make it a challenging environment for both the snow leopard and humans. No wonder it's called the "Grey Ghost" of the Himalayas. However, the remote and pristine landscapes of the Himalayas offer a unique opportunity to experience the raw beauty of nature.

Once you arrive in Leh, acclimatization is crucial due to the high altitude. Your initial two days will be reserved for rest, hydration, and immersive cultural experiences in the region. For the next five nights, you'll get to experience the true taste of the Ladakhi lifestyle - you'll be staying at the exceptional Snow Leopard Lodge. Located in the remote highland village of Ulley in West Ladakh, this lodge is truly the perfect and exclusive snow leopard destination. Here you'll be exposed to local customs, traditions, and folklore.

You will also be directly supporting Snow Leopard Conservancy India Trust’s conservation initiatives by staying at this lodge. Besides the opportunity to spot the Grey Ghost, our guides will ensure that you also get to witness other endemic wildlife like the Himalayan wolf, red fox, bharal and urial, wooly hare, pika; predatory birds like the golden eagle and lammergeier, along with smaller birds like the horned lark, accentors, hill pigeons, dippers, amongst others.

November to April are simply the best months to plan your Snow Leopard Odyssey. This Odyssey promises an unforgettable experience for nature and wildlife enthusiasts alike. A unique and exhilarating experience that combines adventure, wildlife, and conservation and offers the chance to witness some of the world's most incredible creatures in their natural habitat.

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Tracking wildlife and photographing snow leopards:

A team of regional experts, who are brilliant trackers or "spotters," will be setting out every day in search of the leopard. They set off early in the morning while most people are having their hot masala chai in the cozy rooms. The team of spotters spreads across the valley and looks for signs and presence of snow leopards.

Upon the confirmation of the sighting, the guests either walk to the location or are driven to the location, and often a combination of both. Usually, the entire day is spent at the location maximizing the views and photographic opportunities. During guests' stay at the camp, they will receive continuous deliveries of meals, coffee, tea, and snacks while they are at a sighting.

If the sighting does not take place, the spotters and trackers will take guests to different areas of the valley in search of other wildlife, according to the day's schedule. Along the way, the field team will provide information about the local wildlife, including interesting birds, and share insights into the local way of life and culture.

The snow leopard's natural habitat is rugged and remote, so you'll need to have the right gear to get the shots you want. A sturdy tripod is essential for steady shots, and a long telephoto lens with a converter will help you get close-up images of the snow leopard without disturbing it.

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